Monday, September 29, 2014

Wedding Venues - Don't Put That Special Day at Risk

The vast majority of people regard their wedding day as one of the most special events of their life.

Nobody really disputes that ultimately the only two things essential for a memorable day are the two people concerned but of course, their vows need to be set into a background context of enjoying others, such as families and friends, sharing a special day with them.

In a nutshell, that's why wedding venues are important.

What makes ideal wedding venues?

There's no set answer because different couples will have very different requirements and expectations but there may be certain of those that are common to many.


This is hard to define but it's about a sense of place and surroundings. Locations that have lovely grounds and nice views always go down well with guests and add a certain something to your big day.

The internals of your selected room or rooms are also important. Generally, it's perhaps more to modern tastes if venues are luxurious but intimate rather than vast and cathedral-like. If the venue is too big and too 'cold' in its scale then it can be intimidating.

That can act as a damper on the festivities.

The best in catering

Imaginary catering fiascos at weddings can be hilarious in the movies but are much less so if you're on the receiving end of one in real life.

It's imperative that your guests have not only the best food but also that which offers a degree of diversity given today's tendency for people to have very specific dietary needs and preferences.

Catering flexibility as well as culinary excellence at weddings is highly desirable for that reason.


Your guests won't be able to sit there eating all day long. They'll want to stretch their legs - even if the wedding is carrying on to dancing in the evening.

So, having somewhere people can walk around (and perhaps do other things too) is a great idea. If there are also facilities to keep younger children entertained then so much better - unless you want them running riot around your main reception hall.

Also, don't forget the weather when selecting wedding venues. Adelaide and surrounding areas is n't always forgiving in that respect. Try to ask questions of the venue relating to just how you and your guests will cope if you're unlucky with the weather.

Look for plenty of internal spaces because your guests might not be able to spend much time outside if the weather's not great.


If there is one day in your life that you should n't have to put up with shoddy service and 'attitude' it's on your wedding day.

Make sure that your chosen venue has an impeccable track record in that respect. You'll be able to verify that by taking up references and doing some online research - though remember to look at independent review sites rather than exclusively at the venue's own site testimonials.

All-in-one service

You can make all your own individual arrangements if you wish though that can add huge stress or you can let someone like the best man act as a project manager - though that can sometimes add even more stress!

If you're going for a seamless and professional looking wedding then you may wish to select wedding venues that are also able to offer a total service including things such as flowers, entertainment, catering and so on. Let a professional wedding service take at least some of the work off your shoulders, thereby allowing you to concentrate on enjoying your day.

Belairpark Country Club is a perfect venue for all kinds of events.It is one of the most elegant wedding venues in Adelaide, proving world class catering and other service to make your day more memorable. For more information please go through the website

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